On November 1st, 2023, the management of Avermann Betonfertigteiltechnik GmbH & Co. KG was tranferred to Mr. Timo Steinhauer, who will take over the...
Köszönjük szépen, hogy meglátogatta standunkat a müncheni bauma 2022 kiállításon. Reméljük, hogy a vásár ugyanolyan érdekes volt az Ön számára, mint...
Medium-sized family businesses are - and will remain – a fundamental mainstay of Germany’s economy and witness to its uniqueness. They are part of a...
The Company Contiga A/S is one of the major manufacturers of precast elements in Scandinavia. The product range is comprehensive and is characterized...
Polish precast manufacturer Zbych-Pol & Mobet Sp. z o.o. recently implemented a complete Nordimpianti processing line for the production of “HC”-type...
Today is the last day of our „I.F.A.T. – International Focus on Avermann Technologies“-week and we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for...